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Welcome to my site where I share 'play' projects that I've done. They're usually sparked by my curiosity or drive to try out something new, often with one or two other people. Right now what's sparked my interest is the new plastics economy, closing the female pay & investment gap (tip: follow Ellevest:)!) and sustainable fashion: New brands, second hand platforms and the fashion revolution movement.


More about me:

In my daily life am a newly-wed, sister, colleague, friend, designer, dreamer, sustainability geek, maths-enthusiast, sailor, slow-fashion hunter, and a flexitarian! Foodprint of 1 Earth, Footprint of 2.7 and working on it:). Someone once told me I “max out on both logic and emotion” and I think that sums it up just about right. I strongly believe that sustainable business is the only future-proof way forward and am keen to explore, learn and make an impact in this area.


As a Dutch expat-kid raised in three corners of the world: The Netherlands, Oman and the Philippines, I have a high appreciation for different values and different cultures. I studied in Industrial Design before moving to a large FMCG corporate called Unilever where I’m learning about branding, marketing, leadership and business.


Have I sparked your interest? Feel free to reach out!


Alexandra van der Meer

+31 6 20550547



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